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MorphZone (comments)

mDVD: MorphOS GUI for DVD Playing with MPlayer
J.-P. Jokela has prepared mDVD (9.3 MB), a GUI (graphic user-interface) for playing DVDs with mPlayer under MorphOS. Besides mPlayer you must also have RxMUI installed.

MDVD is a simple selection program for DVD titles, subtitles, and soundtracks, with a few options such as framedrop or full-screen. It does not include search functions or DVD menu support.

The author requests feedback as to desired features, and points out that that one should read the manual before trying out the configuration of the GUI, and set the path for mPlayer as well as the orientation of subtitles and soundtracks. (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 11. Mar. 2004, 17:00] [Comments: 0]
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