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Christian Rosentreter (ANF)

MorphOS: MLdonkey 2.5-16 released
MLdonkey 2.5-16 is the latest version of a multi-platform multi-networks peer-to-peer client which runs as a daemon. It supports several large networks, such as eDonkey, Overnet, Bittorrent, Gnutella, Gnutella2, Fasttrack, Soulseek, Direct-Connect and Opennap. It can be controlled locally or remotely using several interfaces like telnet or http.

This release is mostly a bugfix update, but also contains new features. Please read the ChangeLog inside the archive for a full list of all changes.

Download the archive at the official MorphOS MLdonkey site. (snx)

[News message: 08. Mar. 2004, 13:48] [Comments: 0]
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