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Ron van Herk (E-Mail)

AmigaWares: Amiga Apparel by Randomize at Computer City
On account of inquiries about "AmigaWares" the Canadian firm Randomize has notified the Dutch dealer Computer City that they may import Randomize's Amiga apparel for European fans.

In spite of the import fees and the Dutch value-added tax, and owing to the current exchange rate of the dollar, these goods may be offered for about the same price Randomize designated in U.S. dollars - the euro amount may be found by multiplying the dollar price times 1.1.

You'll find an overview in the Fanware section at the new webshop of Computer City. Please mind that this shop is still under construction and the orders and resulting delivery and handling costs must be manually calculated. (snx) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 04. Mar. 2004, 21:20] [Comments: 0]
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