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21.Jan.2004 (forum)

Nueron: Amiga-inspired computer project based on Coldfire
Stephen Smith of Austex Software has presented at his Amiga-inspired project Nueron/NuOS, a Coldfire computer with its own operating system:

I have been working on an alternative computer project for a few years now and would like to find people who may be interested in helping further the project.

The project involves hardware based on Motorola ColdFire processors (Nueron) and a new (free) operating system inspired by AmigaOS (NuOS).

I have developed a prototype (Nueron1200) which is what I wanted an Amiga-like tablet computer device to be (basically a large PDA). Details and pictures can be found at the Austex Software website: Nueron 1200 prototype.

I am currently finishing off a ColdFire accelerator module for the Nueron1200 (dual processors) and an updated graphics module (unlike most laptops, the graphics hardware can be upgraded).

The project is also known as the gecko computer project with a (currently very small) yahoo group here: geckocomputerproject.

I had chosen gecko because they are "small, efficient and crap all over windows..."

Work has been slow since this was originally a part-time project, however I am now doing board design, firmware and operating system full time (no matter what anybody says). I am looking at producing developer boards in either microATX or miniITX format (I need a vote on this) to be available in Q2 2004. Board cost is a sensitive issue which also needs to be dealt with (I'd need expressions of interest for build quantity etc...).

I have been developing free software tools, such as assembler, linker, maker and a beta C compiler for both AmigaOS and PC (yeeeww). I am still using my Amiga4000/CSPPC for development purposes (I also have an Amiga500, 2xAmiga1200, Amiga3000, another Amiga4000 with non-working CSPPC). I am a long time Amiga user/programmer and also co-wrote an Amiga game (Uropa2, published by Vulcan) which comes under the Austex Software banner.

Recently, I have been trying to finish documentation for such things as NuOS overview, API documents in html (devbook) and various technical manuals etc... However these things take time (especially if you are the only person doing them).

If you are interested or have any questions, then please let me know.

Stephen Smith
Austex Software (snx)

[News message: 21. Jan. 2004, 20:25] [Comments: 0]
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