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Chris Hodges (E-Mail)

USB stack: News from "Poseidon"
A new MorphOS-Version of Poseidon has been released and the documentation for the 68k-Version has been slightly updated. Chris Hodges writes:

"Good news everyone,

I just uploaded the binaries for the MorphOS version of Poseidon V2.2. The archive is available as usually from my homepage.

This is an intermediate solution and laire doesn't like it, so if something goes wrong, blame it on me and not the rest of the MorphOS team. Don't hesitate to report any problems.

Installing it on MorphOS is a bit tricky, because some of the files are in the "ROM" file, the bootimg. Therefore you have to add the following line to the MOSSYS:S/Startup-Sequence file just, before the IPrefs command:


If you don't add this, the update will still work, but some components will still remain as the old version, that was delivered with the MOS 1.4 ISO. Also, avoid booting up with USB mass storage devices connected, because this will inhibit the replacement of the class, as it will be in use by the mounted partitions.

There is both an USB.mprefs update (available through the system prefs), as well as the stand-alone Trident program, compiled for PPC. Use whatever you prefer. Trident has more features though ;-}}}}

I've also updated the V2.2 archive a bit, there was some old information in the registration forms (and I've also added the missing SWIFT and BIC codes for international money transfer).

That's it for now. Have a nice time and happy new year. Thanks for your support!" (cg)

[News message: 31. Dec. 2003, 00:43] [Comments: 0]
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