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Hans-Jörg Frieden (E-Mail)

Hyperion and Metropolis announce AmigaOS 4 version of Gorky 17
Hyperion Entertainment and Metropolis announce an AmigaOS4 version of Gorky17:

"Leuven, Belgium. - December 25, 2003

Hyperion Entertainment and Metropolis Software have extended their existing license agreement for "Gorky 17", Metropolis' critically acclaimed RPG/Strategy title, to cover not only Linux but also the upcoming AmigaOS 4.

Gorky 17 is a horror conspiracy game mixing elements of strategy and RPG gameplay. The player commands a small group of NATO soldiers who must reveal the mystery behind the sudden appearance of hybrid creatures in a small Polish city named Lubin. The city is being terrorized, the area is surrounded by NATO troops and media from all over the world, and the first group sent into the city disappears without a trace. The main hero of the story is the 40-year old soldier Cole Sullivan, a commando team member with extensive scientific knowledge. His team's task: to explain the hybrids' presence and to find the missing members of Group One. But that, of course, is just the beginning...

The AmigaOS 4.0 port is already well under way as can be seen on the screenshots published with this press release.

The Amiga and Linux ports are being carried out by Steven Fuller and Joe Tennies who are recent "converts" to the Amiga platform after they recently joined the Hyperion Entertainment game development team.

Steven Fuller and Joe Tennies have an impressive track-record in the field of Linux (gaming) related development." (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 25. Dec. 2003, 20:29] [Comments: 0]
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