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Jens Schönfeld (ANF)

Christmas greetings from Coyote Flux and individual Computers
Merry Christmas from a new team in the Amiga market: Coyote Flux and individual Computers are working together on a basis of a contract that has been signed on October 1st, 2003.

The young programmer-team also has a new website under The two brothers Sharwin and Rakesh Raghoebardayal became famous in the Amiga community for various projects like PPC680x0 (a 68K to PowerPC assembly translator), the sound editing system Coyotesound, photogrammetry software J Miner and more high-quality software.

Individual Computers is known for many hardware products for Amiga computers, specialized PC hardware and retro-computing projects. Serving private customers and professionals like the US computer forensic department of defense, individual Computers mass-produces own designs, and does contract work for other parties.

With more than 50 years combined experience and detailled knowledge about the target markets, the newly formed team is geared towards development of new hard- and software applications. The sales and marketing contacts of individual Computers will make the products available worldwide in more than 40 countries.

The first project of this cooperation is Kickflash OS4. Coyote Flux provided the firmware of the product that has been sent to the resellers yesterday. We hope that all users of classic Amigas will enjoy a fast cold-start time of their computers with this product, and are looking forward to more projects in the near future.

In time for the Christmas days, the toplevel domain server problems in Gabon have been resolved. Our domain is working again. (nba)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2003, 11:35] [Comments: 0]
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