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Martin Heine (ANF)

Gladiateur: further details about the Genesi game
With quotes taken from a 55-pages Genesi internal document by Andrew Korn about the MorphOS game "Gladiateur" ( reported) have Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck given a more indepth view on into this ambitious project that is to be released in October 2004 at the same time as the stage production of the same name by Eli Chouraqui.

The story's about the Spartacus rebellion and shall offer an online multiplayer part as well as an offline single player mode. It is planned to release "Gladiateur" in several parts starting with the single player mode. The online mode will be offered to the buyers as a downloadable patch as soon as the server side is prepared.

As game engine will the one by Nordland come into use of which the MorphOS version by Epic is just now in the beta stage. A Later transition from the 2D client to a client with 3D ego perspective is planned where both kinds of clients shall be able to operate with the same server software - with Genesi taking the unrestricted playability on platforms with restricted capacity, e.g. settop boxes or handhelds, into account.

For the next week is another kind of "developer connection" (using the "Phoenix definition" of the developers term) announced on the Genesis Pegasos site under (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2003, 15:38] [Comments: 0]
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