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A.D.A. (website)

A.D.A.: jubilee and updates
In the last two weeks has the Amiga Demoscene Archive (A.D.A.) got several updates and can also celebrate a small jubilee.

Six demos have been added: "Hätä" by Da Jormas (3. place in the Oldskool competition at the Assembly 2003), "Humus 4" by Push Entertainment (2. place in the 4K Intro Competition at the Assembly 2003), "FistPig" by Spaceballs and Ephidrena (5. place in the 4K Intro Competition at the Assembly 2003), "Pulse" by Nerve Axis (1. place in the Demo Competition at the Assembly 1997), "Sumea" by Virtual Dreams (1. place in the Demo Competition at the Assembly 1996) and "Mental" by Push Entertainment (5. place in the Demo Competition at the Assembly 2003).

With these six demos has A.D.A. reached the limit of 300 introduced productions. Since November, 11th 2001, when the project went online, have 40100 hits, 300 productions, 2963 screenshots, 119 groups, 66 parties, 115 users, 435 voting voices and 252 comments been registered (numbers from the end of September). The own voting voices can now be changed and the charts are now a top 30. (nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Oct. 2003, 15:27] [Comments: 0]
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