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Software news (10.10.2003)
Since the last software news update have several applications been further developed. Below we report about the changes:

AmiDiction v2.6a
AmiDiction is an online dictionary that bases on the service of The new version 2.6a can be downloaded from the website of the programmer Lorence Lombardo.

delfina.library v416b48
With the new beta version of the delfina.library some errors have been fixed that already came up with Delfina cards that were not delivered by individual Computers. An error in the A1200 recognition in the previous beta version has been removed, too. The library can be used with individua's new cards but also with the A1200 clock port version by Petsoff. The beta version hasn't been tested with the Delfina Lite.

LANClip v0.3
Peter Gordon has released version 0.3 of LANClip. LANClip, in version 0.1 named NetClip, is a small utility that allows the exchange of a global clipboard between different computers in a network. Next to an Amiga version exists a Windows version, too.

MiniMen v1.2
MiniMen is a GUI menu program that has been developed for using script files. It supports up to 165 button functions defined by the user.

Report+ v5.73a
The freeware Report+ has been released in version 5.73a. The tool bases on ReAction/GadTools, needs AmigaOS 3.9 and offers ten different functions: e.g. you can create Aminet readmes with Report+, replace the Commodore Bug Reporting Tool or show the bytes number for every directory. In the new version have several bugs in the bug report editor, the hardware ID viewer and the IFF viewer been fixed.

StarAm Plan v2.22
Version 2.22 of the spreadsheet program "StarAm Plan" has been released for AmigaOS 3.x. The small but fine Excel clone offers 121 functions to edit in table cells and a big number of prefs settings.

WGetGUI v0.6.5
The new version 0.6.5 of the Wget based download manager "WGetGui" has been released for MorphOS and now also for AmigaOS 3.x.

Worm Wars v7.6
The Snake clone Worm Wars by Amigan Software has been released in version 7.6 for AmigaOS and Windows. Since version 7.55 has the new creature "Ant" been added as well as cherries and flowers.
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[News message: 10. Oct. 2003, 18:05] [Comments: 0]
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