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Grasshopper LLC (email)

Grasshopper: Pagestream release for AmigaOS 4
Positive signs from the AmigaOS 4 frontier: Grasshopper LLC will release the desktop publishing software PageStream for AmigaOS 4 as soon as the new operating system is available. Furthermore prices are cut for PageStream 4.1 to 99 US-Dollars, for PageStream Professional 4.1 to 149 US-Dollars. Read the complete note by Grasshopper LLC right below:

Grasshopper LLC today announced the addition of a fifth supported platform in the stable of computers and operating systems that PageStream already runs on. Amiga OS4 PPC is an exciting new operating system and hardware from Amiga Inc, Eyetech and Hyperion Entertainment that follows in the footsteps of the great hardware and software that is the Amiga.

"Deron Kazmaier, PageStream creator, has exceeded our expectations again!" proclaimed Grasshopper LLC owner Marna Holt. "Deron has burned the midnight oil on his old love, the Amiga, creating the foundation for the next generation of PageStream on the Amiga."

While the full public release of OS4 is beyond our control, the PageStream is not! As the Amiga OS4 PPC is a natural progression from the older 68k, we are offering a limited time discount for those who are moving up to the AmigaOS4 PPC version from PageStream Amiga68k and likewise we are including the Amiga68k version to those who purchase the PPC version before it is publicly released. Crossgrade price from PageStream 4.1 Amiga68k to AmigaPPC is only $40 and the price for a new copy of PageStream4.1 Amiga PPC (with Amiga68k) is only $99. The special offers are set to expire upon the public release of Amiga OS4, and will then revert to the same low pricing already in place for the other platforms. Advance copies of PageStream 4.1 AmigaPPC are available now, but we will continue to stay in step with improvements to OS4.
(nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 13. Sep. 2003, 13:55] [Comments: 0]
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