Troels Ersking
AmigaOS 4.0 on Tour in Dänemark
9th August from 13:00 to 17:00 at Syvstjerneskolen in Værløse, Denmark.
We hereby welcome all Amiga fans to a couple of hours of Amiga OS 4
demonstration. Amiga OS 4 will be shown running on an A4000 fitted with a
CyberstormPPC accelerator, but it will also be possible to have a closer
look at an AmigaOne. Sodas and coffee will be on sale at the venue.
Please send us an e-mail if you intend to show up, so we are able to
estimate the total attendance. Mail: os4tour@amigadk.dk.
[News message: 31. Jul. 2003, 15:02] [Comments: 0]
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