Michael Böhmer (ANF)
USB: SUBWAY available again
E3B has resumed production of the Clockport USB controller SUBWAY
due to increased user demand. The first modules from the very limited-lot
production run are already available.
In the context of the ROMulus upgrade program we have so far been able
to fulfill the high expectations set by us as regards swift processing: every
single HIGHWAY sent to E3B for upgrading could be sent back to its
owner already on the next day.
Tests and user reviews of our USB products can be found in two current issues of
AmigaPlus (05/2003) and Total Amiga (Issue #15).
News in detail can be found on our Website
under the heading of "News". (ps) (Translation: cb)
[News message: 27. Jul. 2003, 19:23] [Comments: 0]
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