Michael Christoph (ANF)
amigaFoulEggs - a new Tetrislike game has been finished
In time for the summer break the game 'amigaFoulEggs' Version 1.0 has been
completed! amigaFoulEggs is a tetrislike game in which at least four tokens
of the same colour have to lie beside or on top one another in order for them
to get removed. The window size is freely customizable. The tokens size adjusts
to available space.
Extensive settings allow the customization to your own preferences: keyboard
mapping, speed, colours, patterns for tokens and background and more are
possible. The more tokens are removed in one go but also systematic putting down
of formations gain extra points.
There is also a
Highscore file
in the Internet.
amigaFoulEggs requires AmigaOS 3.0; Settings and highscore windows require
OS 3.5. A graphics card is recommended. An extensive guide desciption in German
is included.
There is an English catalog file for the program.
It has been tested with Classic Amiga, Amithlon and WinUAE.
The game also works flawlessly under to upcoming AmigaOS 4.0.
The game is freeware and is available at no cost on demand.
Simply fill out the application form
and shortly after the lha archive arrives in your e-mail inbox. (ps) (Translation: cb)
[News message: 27. Jul. 2003, 13:56] [Comments: 0]
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