Martin Wolf (E-Mail)
Geizkragen community letter reports about Tales of Tamar
Here the according extract from the Geizkragen community letter:
»[..c..] Becoming tester and get an online strategy game for free...
A tip for fantasy fans, no doubt. Currently only for Amiga users in autumn
there will come a PC version of the online strategy game
"Tales of Tamar" to the shops. All important game options are included in
the PC version of the game already, but to get the game as bugfree as possible there are still
game testers required. As player you will get a small Middle Age country assigned which should be enlarged by
clever usage of strategy, diplomacy or even war. In one game there can be a maximum of 12000 players.
To download the game free of charge you have to register the form at the Tamar homepage.
Further information and registering
The Geizkragen community has more than 413000 users, among them
some will most likely check out the game in the next weeks. (ps) (Translation: ub)
[News message: 23. Jul. 2003, 15:05] [Comments: 0]
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