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X68000 Emulator PPC 0.00b21, Carbonized for Mac OS X
The X68000 was an impressive Japanese home computer system that was released in 1987. It featured a 68000 processor running at 10MHz, and supported up to 12 MB of main memory. It also had very impressive multimedia capabilities for the time, with a 65536 color palette and an 8-voice stereo FM synthesizer.

X68000 Emulator PPC is currently the only X68000 emulator available for the Macintosh. It is in very early stages of development, but it appears that it can run Gradius and Fantasy Zone to some degree, which is certainly impressive. An important thing to note is that the program and home page are entirely in Japanese, which makes it difficult for English-speakers to enjoy it. Also note that the application is compressed in LZH format, which is quite uncommon for most Macintosh programs, but Stuffit Expander seems capable of handling it; you may need to expand the files multiple times to get the program to work, however. (ps)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2003, 13:43] [Comments: 0]
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