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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Big update of Dia-CD (slideshow on VideoCD)
This time is the update of Dia-CD very substantial, it contains the following innovations:
  • Title generator for still videos and slideshow.
  • Smooth fade in and out of the sound in the still video or the slideshow; therefore no sudden sound disruptions anymore. But you now need the Sox version sox-12.17.4.lha.
  • Title preview (needs a PBM datatype in the system - contained in the archive).
  • The collected source images the slideshow is made of are all archived with Lha and written to the VideoCD image. This way they are preserved. The old function has been removed.
  • New format supported. Next to Mpeg1 for the VideoCD creation is now the Internet suitable DIVX4 used.

Copy sox, multiview, ppmlabel, ffmpeg 0.4.6, vcdimager, dttoppm, mogrify and lha into the c: directory. Unpack PBMdt44.lha and copy the files to the according directories. Install Tritonrexx, tritonlibrary and Rexxtricks.

Many switches, listers and sliders are comprehensively explained in the online help. This counts expecially for the new Gui objects of the title generator.

The titles for the still video or the slideshow are taken from a text file. You have especially to take care of the text formatting. This is taken over 1:1! This means that a line end or a tabulator are shown in the video the same way they are existing in the text file. This way you can easily put several lines of text into the video. Furthermore is unfortunately only 7bit ASCII code generated so that no German special characters e.g. ä, ö, ü or ß can be found. The title is inserted only in the first four seconds of a slideshow, even if this is running unlimited. This can be worked around as it is e.g. allowed to use as many Mpeg1 files for VideoCDs as VCD track source as you want.

Title generator:
This one comes with unusual many settings possibilities: font size, font colour, title rotation and title position. If you should be more ambitious you should better use Monument Designer.

The script is now absolutly stable. Should something crash it's usually dttoppm or ffmpeg. These I have to a great extent under control so that normally nothing should happen. The only important thing is to use a separate temp directory for each slideshow as otherwise ffmpeg will without a doubt get problems and crash. Besides that you should use no more than 10 source images with each slideshow as otherwise dttoppm renders problems. If you want to put these on VideoCD this limit doesn't matter as you can create as many tracks as you want. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 14. Jun. 2003, 22:01] [Comments: 0]
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