Obituary: Jay Glenn Miner (31st May 1932 - 20th June 1994)
This Saturday 71 years ago, on the 31st May 1932, Jay Glenn Miner was
born. Miner is regarded as one of the most prominent chip designers in the world
and as the father of the Amiga.
In the middle of the seventies he developed the TIA chip, originally for medical
applications, later for use in the legendary Atari 2600. With the ANTIC and the
GTIA chipsets he laid the foundation for the Atari 8bit family.
After the founding of the company Hi-Toro which was later renamed into Amiga, Miner
worked on the joyboard, a revolutionary control device for the Atari 2600 and the
ColecoVision and on the work of his life, the Multimedia chipset for the 68000 based
games console Lorraine which was renamed into "Amiga 1000" after the purchase of
the company by Commodore and turned into a full-fledged computer.
Miner passed away on 20th June 1994 due to kidney failure.
He was regarded as a revolutionary computer designer and an extraordinary person.
(nba) (Translation: cb)
[News message: 01. Jun. 2003, 15:51] [Comments: 0]
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