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Aminet uploads until 31.05.2003
Here are the Aminet uploads added since our last report:
trsi-fnews12.lha     comm/misc   51K+Free configurable News Display Tool for 
IBrowseSP.lha        comm/www    17K+IBrowse 2.x spanish catalogs v2.3.1d
WebPics104.lha       comm/www     5K+WebPics 1.04 - Web Based Photo Gallery G
ADN_Support.lha      comm/yam    23K+V1.3 AmigaDreamNetwork support for YAM.
YAM24p1.lha          comm/yam   728K+MUI Internet mailer V2.4p1 (bugfix updat
NoSyncIzBack.lha     demo/aga   1.7M+NoSyncIzBack! - WOS demo 3rd at IGDRP 2.
USE_NoSync.lha       demo/aga   3.8M+NoSync by Universe - WOS demo 3rd at Equ
MCC_SpeedBarSP.lha   dev/mui      7K+SpeedBar 19.1 spanish catalogs v19.1.0
AMIthlon_setup.lha   disk/misc  1.0M+Easy automated AMIthlon setup disks usin
SpanienSSeng.lha     docs/hyper  98K+SpanienSSeng history of some spanish
AmigaArenaBase.lha   docs/misc  528K+Amiga Arena Interview Database (English/
Arkanos.lha          game/misc  404K+Break out game like ARKANOID ** V2.02 **
MLink.lha            game/wb     44K+Try to solve this chainlink puzzle!
MySquare.lha         game/wb     43K+Try to solve this mathematical puzzle!
TriLights.lha        game/wb     44K+Light-up this triangular-shaped board!
X_Lights.lha         game/wb     44K+Light-up this X-shaped board!
DIYrekoIII.lha       gfx/ifx     34K+Create REKO, Soliton and AS-... cardsets
Sv5Fix121.lha        gfx/misc     6K+*Fix* for SView5 V1.21 (29.5.2003)
FroggerRU.lha        gfx/show    11K+Frogger russian documentation v2.06
DC-KF500.lha         hard/hack  983K+A500 based FlashROM kickstart board
LCD-Test.lha         hard/misc   14K+LCD Test: helps to find broken Pixels
ZXLive.lha           misc/emu    86K+ZX-Spectrum 48/128k emulator v0.17b
037_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 8.9M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
041_mpfree.lha       mods/moods 4.3M+Moods - Streaming For Your Instincts
Almacen-Chip.mpg     mods/mpg   6.0M+Almac n Chip (Symphonie mod in mpeg form
Amiga_Roolez.mpg     mods/mpg   6.9M+Amiga Roolez song (Symphonie mod in mpeg
ArrobaMix.mpg        mods/mpg   2.9M+Arroba Mix (The final part of Arrebato m
BAR.mpg              mods/mpg   4.0M+Bar (Rock mod converted to mpeg audio)
ModMix.mpg           mods/mpg   1.2M+Remix of Cherry2.mod
QuantumExecBas.mpg   mods/mpg   3.7M+Quantum for the Execbase (converted to m
opensource.lha       mods/smg    53K+PT-MOD by eSeMGy (
pumpitup.lha         mods/smg    58K+Oldie - PT-MOD by eSeMGy (
smoothia.lha         mods/smg   154K+PT-MOD by eSeMGy (
spaceballs.lha       mods/smg   205K+Oldie - PT-MOD by eSeMGy (
techrythm.lha        mods/smg    16K+Oldie - PT-MOD by eSeMGy (
Cougar16V_01.jpg     pix/vehic  127K+Pic of Ford Cougar in 1024x682
Cougar16V_02.jpg     pix/vehic  118K+Pic of 2 Ford Cougars in 1024x682
Cougar16V_03.jpg     pix/vehic  147K+Pic of 2 Ford Cougars in 1024x682
Cougar16V_04.jpg     pix/vehic  1.2M+Pic of Ford Cougar in 2160x1440
Amitex_4.04.lha      text/edit  428K+Text editor (French and english versions
trsi-mp3ext13.lha    util/cli    12K+MP3 Info Viewer + FileID creator
frog_scripts.lha     util/misc   26K+ToolBar Scripts and Buttons for FroggerN
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 31. May. 2003, 01:46] [Comments: 0]
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