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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

Amiga Arena: Preview from PairsNG and an own domain
The one or other user might remember the game "Pairs" which was released in 1996 for the first time in version 1.0 by Tobias Lenz. Seven years later Christoph Kimna is working with "PairsNG" on more than a honorable successor. The preview reports about Olaf Köbniks first impressions of "PairsNG" and with the screen shots you can see yourself that there will be a real classic one soon, which won't release you too easy.

Furthermore there is additional information given about the author Christoph Kimna during the interview and one more surprise. The interview, the preview and the screen shots are at the section "Interviews". The interview is currently available in German.

Amiga Arena - Now with an own domain
it took long but with the friendly support of the Fun Time World the Amiga Arena is reachable at from now on. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 28. May. 2003, 01:39] [Comments: 0]
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