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PowerPC solutions from Total Impact
The Californian company Total Impact has announced three PowerPC based computers, that are like the AmigaOne and Pegasos.

The briQ is a network computer with a PowerPC 750FX or 7400 (G4) with up 800 MHz and is updatable in speed and processor. The briQ ist compatible with all PowerPC-compatible Linux-distributions and will be delivered with Yellow Dog Linux.

The briQ RenderEngine is a 4- or 8-Node-System-variant of the briQ and is focussed on users wanting high performance rendering.

Total mPower is a PCI-based multiprocessor solution for Intel-compatible PCs and Apple Power Macintoshs. Solutions using Total mPower have a range from a single board up to a nearly unlimited number of parallel boards. Four PowerPC G3 (750) or G4 (7400) CPUs operating with 366 to 500 MHz in every board. (nba) (Translation: gf)

[News message: 20. May. 2003, 19:34] [Comments: 0]
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