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Martin Heine (ANF)

Pegasos: Independent Review by
Eugenia Loli Queru of made an independent Pegasos-Review. As a not Amiga user her judgement precipitates naturally very critically over the MorphOS which is still in an early development stage. However when talking about the possibility to use the hardware with various Linux distributions and MacOS her judgement is more positively. Among other things she guesses to Genesi, to mark out the Pegasos as the Linux platform, because nevertheless x86 boards belong in last consequence to Microsoft.

In its associated comment Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck of Genesi suggest that one can regard the "M" standing in MorphOS calmly also as for "mobility", this is the next step. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 19. May. 2003, 12:31] [Comments: 0]
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