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Guido Mersmann (ANF)

MMKeyboard sale of hardware discontinued
Due to rapidly decreasing hardware orders production of the MMKeyboard adapter is being discontinued. Support for MMKeyboard will of course continue. I just stop production of the hardware because it just isn't feasible to do in such small numbers. As the sale had always been done at cost I'd have to increase the price of the adapter quite drastically in order to get out of it without loss. Furthermore I just don't see myself in a position to produce the hardware within a desirable timeframe.

Everyone still has the choice to build the hardware themselves, which used to be done by quite a number of users. Maybe by way of this announcement someone can be found to produce adapters for technically less versed Amiga users. Instructions for this can be found under the title link.

Guido Mersmann
(ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 18. May. 2003, 21:27] [Comments: 0]
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