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Dany Thinnes (ANF)

Cost control software for not DSL users: TH-Verbindung V1.1
TH-Verbindung version 1.1 is aimed for surfers who don't have a flatrate or do only a little surfing. It is possible to set up different charges for a main and rest time as well as for a log-in charge. Weekends and bank holidays will not be forgotten too.

From the program itself Miami can be launched, the connection be established and aborted. The costs ammounted so far will be shown in Euro. The sum of the surfed minutes so far is listed as well as the current state of the connection and the connection speed.

The program has been written and tested with a DraCo 060 running AmigaOS 3.9.

Autor: Dany Thinnes -
Download: home-thverbindung.lha (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 13. May. 2003, 12:40] [Comments: 0]
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