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Martin Heine (ANF)

New Genesi/Phoenix-Mailing list for demo coders
At Bill Buck and Raquel Velasco announce the opening of a mailing list for demo scene coders:

The mailing list is open for business / Genesi sponsoring Demo Scene Online Party in Fall 2003.

The Peagsos I is out to about 600 avid users now and things are starting to get whipped up for the introduction of the Pegasos II in September 2003. We have always had respect for true Demo Teams because of the way technical and creative skills are intertwined to produce unique results with a computer. We decided that to truly be a success the Pegasos and MorphOS needed to do their best to support the Scene. The Scene can bring things to the Pegasos that no one else can.

To that end we have decided to lend ten fully configured and loaded Pegasos machines to Demo Teams that have demonstrated past success and a desire to produce a demo with the Pegasos for a Demo Scene online Party to be sponsored by Genesi in the Fall of 2003. The Online DemoScene Gathering will be open for voting by all Pegasos owners only -- one Pegasos, one vote. First prize for the best Demo is 1000 Euros (and keep the Pegasos), second prize 750 Euros (and keep the Pegasos) and third prize 500 Euros (and keep the Pegasos!!!). For all teams that successfully present their demo they can keep their Pegasos ( :-D ). If they agree to produce another demo they will be lent a new G4 card with the same terms (and keep the card if they deliver the demo).

To be selected for the DemoScene special offer each Team must be screened and selected by the Phoenix DemoScene Executive Committee that is being lead by Mikko Virtanen aka Hooligan of Dual Crew-Shining. We will ask "Kiero" of the MadWizards, the winner of the Equinoxe DemoScene Competiton and LoRD, of 4Mankind, the first Pegasos contest winner to also be on the committee.

We will develop a special section on the MorphZone to keep track of these special Demo Teams. All necessary documentation and support will be provided to the DemoSceneTeams.

Raquel and Bill (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 07. May. 2003, 22:19] [Comments: 0]
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