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AND Software (Website)

Context menu: ContextSAS V1.72 and ContextPrefs V1.34
The programm ContextSAS by Andre Dörffler provides the possibility to create and use context sensitive menus for AmigaOS3.5+. The DefIcons system is supported. With some additional tools it is possible to iconify Workbench windows and to create system links.

Since yesterday the version 1.72 of ContextSAS and version 1.34 of ContextPrefs is provided for download. This time mostly bugs were wiped out and the look was polished. Some new features wee added:
  • AutoSelect: Selects icons at the WBDesktop automatically.
  • Title: Shows the object name as title.
  • Prefeences: The internal menus can be configured now.
Downloadbereich (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 30. Apr. 2003, 12:49] [Comments: 0]
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