Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)
Amiga Arena: AlphaBase full version and source codes
In co-operation and with permission of Maik Schmidt Amiga Arena makes the release of the
database "AlphaBase" possible.
AlphaBase is a clear and easy to learn database program. It is possible to enter variously
arranged (e.g. German and American) addresses in one common database.
Adresses can be printed on envelopes and labels. Data which have nothing to do with addresses
can be linked with comments, pictures and sound files.
System requirements: AmigaOS 3.0 Workbench & Librarys as well as 1 MB ChipMem +
2 MB FastMem
If there is anyone who is interested to dvelop AlphaBase (BlitzBasic) further please
contact Olaf Köbnik! (nba) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 25. Apr. 2003, 20:44] [Comments: 0]
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