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Richard Körber (ANF)

Tool: Identify 37.1- inoffical release
Richard Körber wrote:
The Identify LIBRARY can be used to identify Zorro boards and supply further system specifications. I published the project under LGPL on Sourceforge.

Recently Thore Boeckelmann released an update of the Identify LIBRARY (V37.1) in the AmiNet. This publication happened without my knowledge. I do not exactly know either what was changed in the V37.1. According to the mails of users, whom I received since then, however this release seems to work incorrectly.

Up to further I recommend to install for safety's sake again the version released by me last (see URL to the title). I have already contacted Thore and hope that we can release an official update soon. (ps) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 21. Apr. 2003, 12:58] [Comments: 0]
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