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Dirk Baeyens (E-Mail)

Amiga Inc.: AmiDock and application.library in AmigaOS 4
»This description is meant as addition to our AmigaOS4 feature list. For first impressions about the new functionalities, please have a read in the mentioned document.

OS4's AmiDock allows to be configured by the user in a very high degree. Picture 1 shows 4 different examples of docks in icon mode. The top-most has a drag bar, and fully transparent backgrounds. If someone wants to see a border around a dock: no problem - this is shown in the second example. Of course you also can create a fully invisible dock which has neither a drag bar nor a border (third example). Finally we see a dock which draws a background, has a border but no drag bar. Of course it is possible to choose those styles for each different dock.«
Have a look at the title link for the complete article. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Apr. 2003, 22:14] [Comments: 0]
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