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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Voltmeter software completed
I herewith announce that the software for my voltmeter hardware has been completed. This should be able to run on all A1200s and A4000s. However, it would have to be adapted for A500 and A600. This is because the software uses the 32bit width of the address data.

Theoretically the software should run under AmigaOS V2.1 - 3.9, however it has not been tested under version 2.1. The program archive now also contains the circuit diagram for self-assembly. This has been integrated in a PDF file which furthermore contains descriptions of the ARexx programs. Only experienced hobby electronic technicians should deal with this (chips are susceptible against static electricity!). You can get all parts at Conrad Electronic or any well-assorted electronics shop.

Software: The archive now contains several ARexx programs with which you can read out the data from the voltmeter. Among those are also an oscilloscope program and a program using the system's Pipe:. Unfortunately I can't write a program reading out the data from the pipe as fast as they are written into it. Furthermore there are a bus initialization and a zero correction program.

The most important program is the main program, "Voltmeter". There you can mainly do voltage metering in realtime. The second important function is the sampling of voltage data. This means that in 1 second about 280 measurings are performed. These are displayed immediately afterwards in a lister. Thereby they are converted into volts with a precision of 3 decimal places. This list of voltage data can be saved, if you want, to be used in another program. The same can be done with the metered value of the single measurement.

An important highlight are the four diagram functions in the voltmeter program. After the listing of the metered values in the lister you can view them again in one of the four diagram modes in individual windows. These are: dot diagram, line diagram, P-grid diagram, and L-grid diagram. The L-grid diagram is the most exact diagram of all as you can read out the voltage down to 0.1 volts and the time down to a few milliseconds. It has to be said that point diagram and P-grid diagram show time in samples whereas the two line grid diagrams show it in seconds. Incidentally there can be only 1000 samples taken as a maximum. This means about 3.5 - 4 seconds of measuring.

Download: Voltmeter.lzx (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 09. Mar. 2003, 02:21] [Comments: 0]
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