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Artwork from Visualice at GFXZONE
There are quite a few sceners that have been around for a long time, but few have been as active as Visualice used to be. This guy has worked on a staggering amount of demoscene productions.

Unfortunately for us Visualice recently left Haujobb to concentrate on other forms of art. We have updated his personal gallery on the gfxzone with plenty of high-quality graphics.

The updated gallery consists of 5 parts with 100 images in total, most of which are now finally available in their full PNG quality for the first time ever (thanks Timo!!). Older images are in the first parts of the gallery, more recent images can be found nearer to the end.

To show that Visualice is also graphically active in a non-digital way, the fourth part of the gallery shows sketches. Some of the sketches that Visualice provided for us to show in his gallery are also available for purchase online, check it out if you are interested!

Enter the updated Visualice gallery and start enjoying. (nba)

[News message: 22. Feb. 2003, 12:39] [Comments: 0]
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