Darius Brewka im AN-Forum
AmiStart Start Menu: Is There Still Interest in Further Development?
Darius Brewka released version 0.63 of AmiStart in September 2002, as we (reported).
AmiStart is a start menu similar to that found in Microsoft Windows, with a quick launchbar, drag&drop support and a reconfigurable
graphic overlay which allows transparency, rounded corners, background textures, a shape layer (with reconfigurable and programmable
skins controllable by external applications via ARexx). One example is the shape layer of Songplayer.
Because the author has some time, he is interested in knowing if there is interest in further development of AmiStart and, if so, how strong
this interest is. Would anyone like to make some suggestions or report some bugs? Give Darius some feedback, write him to say what could
be improved. (ps) (Translation: dm)
[News message: 20. Feb. 2003, 12:43] [Comments: 1 - 23. Feb. 2003, 17:01]
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