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Thomas Frieden (E-Mail)

Hyperion Entertainment Press Release
CHICO, CA, USA - February 11, 2003

SciTech Software Inc. and Hyperion Entertainment VOF are pleased to announce they have entered into a strategic partnership which will see SciTech's SNAP(tm) technology integrated into AmigaOS 4.x which is currently under development by Hyperion for PPC based systems.

SciTech SNAP, SciTech's leading edge graphics device support, allows for the rapid development and deployment of embedded solutions across multiple platforms and currently already supports well over 170 different graphics chipsets including all the latest offerings from industry leaders ATI, nVidia and Matrox.

A full list of supported chipsets can be found here.

"We are very excited about SNAP as it offers us out of the box support for a huge and ever growing number of graphics cards and effectively allows us to redirect resources away from device driver development and cut down on time to market", said Ben Hermans, managing partner of Hyperion. "We are convinced that prospective customers of AmigaOS 4.x will appreciate the high-performance, low footprint graphics card technology that SciTech has developed over many years."

"SciTech shares in the vision of the Amiga platform and is excited to play a key roll in the further development of the original multi-media OS." said Andrew Bloo, Director of Marketing, SciTech Software Inc. "By adopting SciTech SNAP Graphics as the core graphics architecture for the Amiga OS, Amiga can now offer a level of performance and compatibility equal to that of any mainstream OS".

SciTech and Hyperion are set to broaden their cooperation to encompass 3D graphics support and support for other PPC based operating systems.

About SciTech Software Inc.
SciTech Software Inc. is a leading developer of next generation multi-OS device driver development tools for embedded, industrial and enterprise systems. SciTech Flagship product, SciTech SNAP Graphics, is a robust display driver solution, with full 2D acceleration on more than 170 graphic chipsets. SciTech SNAP Technology enables hardware manufactures to cut costs, speed time to market and reduce long-term support issues. Additionally SciTech SNAP provides hardware venders with the ability to explore the emerging embedded markets through a powerful, OS agnostic device driver abstraction layer. Enterprise customers benefit from the SciTech SNAP technology through the unified chip drivers, which allow IT managers to roll out a single display driver across an entire enterprise, drastically reducing associated test matrices and long-term support costs. SciTech also provides leading edge development tools for the embedded and industrial markets. These tools allow developers to quickly add support for new and or emerging OS'es and with the SciTech SNAP architecture instantly gain access to more than 170 supported graphic chip sets. Founded in 1994, SciTech Software Inc. is a privately held company, backed by the original investment of its founders and the ongoing sales of its leading edge solutions. SciTech Corporate offices are located in Chico, California.

For more information please visit:

About Hyperion Entertainment VOF
Hyperion Entertainment is a privately held Belgian-German company, founded in March of 1999. The company specialises in 3D graphics and the conversion of top-quality entertainment software from Windows to niche-platforms including Amiga, Linux (x86, PPC) and MacOS (OS 9/X). Hyperion Entertainment has undertaken contract-work in the field of 3D graphics for companies such as Monolith ( and has developed a mature, fast, small foot-print technology to bring 3D graphics to low power digital devices such as PDA's and STB's.

Hyperion is currently working on AmigaOS 4.0, a vastly enhanced PPC native incarnation of the groundbreaking OS introduced by Commodore in 1985.

Here also the link to the press release from SciTech Software, Inc. (ps)

[News message: 18. Feb. 2003, 21:30] [Comments: 0]
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