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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Announcement: Voltmeter hardware for parallel port
Carsten Siegner is currently finishing the hardware test of his new voltmeter hardware for the parallel port. This includes a 12-bit-ADC-Microchip, with which one can accomplish theoretically 250,000 voltage measurements per second.

This chip is propelled of a 4.19 MHz quartz. The product will soon contain a universal voltmeter commodity and possibly, if I am able to program it, a storage oscilloscope commodity.

A test software for Siegners hardware is already available. This program to display the amount of a voltage supply up to four places exactly. The new hardware is meant for each original Amiga, which possesses a 32Bit-Bus (A1200 and A4000). Unfortunately the software exclusively runs on the original parallel port of the Amiga (no interface map). (nba) (Translation: sk)

[News message: 17. Feb. 2003, 23:29] [Comments: 0]
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