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Telemar Rosenberger (E-Mail)

Game: AmHuhn V1.4 and AmHuhnXE 1.2
Telemar Rosenberger has recompiled the executables of AmHuhn and AmHuhnXE with StormC, and in the course removed some bugs. The new versions AmHuhn 1.4 and AmHuhnXE 1.2 are ready to be downloaded from in a German and an English version each:

Download: (attention, please read the following notes!)
AmHuhn 1.4 - German - AMHuhn_Deutsch_V1_4.lha
AmHuhn 1.4 - English - AMHuhn_English_V1_4.lha
AmHuhnXE 1.2 - German - AMHuhnXE_Deutsch_V1_2.lha
AmHuhnXE 1.2 - English - AMHuhnXE_English_V1_2.lha

Important notes:
1. The newly compiled executable programs have been tested under the premise that the current beta version 5.4 of AHI be installed (we reported).

2. If the games AmHuhn and AmHuhnXE aren't already installed, the full archives from the AmHuhn Web site have to be installed first. The download archives listed above only contain the respective program file. (ps) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 16. Feb. 2003, 14:49] [Comments: 0]
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