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Virtual Dimension (ANF)

Video about the ARC2002 from VD available
In the next installement of their "Live"-series Virtual Dimension presents you a report about the Amiga + Retro-Computing 2002 in Aachen. This video, which is more than 20 minutes long, features reports about new Amiga hard- and software, a presentation of the alternative PPC-operating system MorphOS, a small glance at the interiors of the old Amiga-prototype "Walker" and an exclusive interview with Jeri Ellsworth, the developer of the C64-successor CommodoreOne.

Additionally they report about the newest hard- and software for the C64, which were presented at the Hobby+Elektronik-fair in Stuttgart in November 2002. This is the German version, an English translation is already in work. (ps)

[News message: 15. Feb. 2003, 12:21] [Comments: 0]
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