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M. Mancini (ANF)

USB card: UltraBUS - one step closer to production stage...
A few days ago the final prototype of the UltraBUS USB card has been sent to us by individual Computers. As soon as this prototype successfully passes all neccessary tests, producing the first batch of production stage UltraBUS boards shouldn't be delayed any further.

This prototype already has all basic features of the final product - including the 512k FlashROM and the very promising 16bit mode which should not only show remarkably reduced overhead on the target system in certain cases, but also result in a noticable improvement of performance on lower specced systems.

Due to the ISP (in system programmable) features of the whole board, final optimisations of the autoconfig logic and the featured TripleBus (zorro, clockport, expansion port) can be applied at any time during the following testing and production stage. (ps)

[News message: 15. Feb. 2003, 03:29] [Comments: 0]
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