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VMC Harald Frank (ANF)

TV card software: AmithlonTV Beta 251
Guido Mersmann has released beta version 251 of the TV-Card driver software AmithlonTV. New in this version:

    Many small changes. Nothing realy important.

    Well, not realy a feature. There is a new debug setup window for the msp sound chip. You are only able to open it, if your card is using such chip.

    The usage is very simple! Start AmithlonTV and select a TV picture. Make sure that your audio mixer is not muted and the volume is at maximum. Now use the debug menu and open the msp debug window. There are three cycle gadgets. Start with first one. Cycle it. If you hear any sound, than report the gadget status and make a TVCardDump.

Download: AmithlonTVBeta.lha (ps)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2003, 11:53] [Comments: 0]
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