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Aminet: New uploads from 06-Jan-2003
As requested by our readers we publish here the list with the new Aminet uploads. Due to the fact, that we made our own recent list, in future you will see only the new daily uploads.

SN-AnlagenArc.lha    biz/dbase  100K+V1.0 Money units archive (Germany only)
SN-KontoArc.lha      biz/dbase   76K+V1.0  Accout archives (Germany only)
nc21.lha             biz/patch  1.1M+NetConnect v2 Service Pack 1
nc22.lha             biz/patch  1.7M+NetConnect v2 Service Pack 2
GoPortscan.lha       comm/net   376K+V1.0 TCP/UDP Portscanner + more with MUI
LinksysTIADCC.lha    comm/tcp     2K+Set ENV:TIADCC from LinkSys router BEFSR
Yam2Thor.lha         comm/thor    3K+Addressbook (YAM) -> User List (Thor)
NetNifty-WS02A.lha   comm/www     8K+Early preview of NetNifty Web Server - u
wpz-frozen50.lha     demo/aga   1.4M+Frozen#5o - Christmas Edition [2oo2]
wpz-frozen51.lha     demo/aga   874K+Frozen#51 - Christmas Edition [2oo2]
mhm-BeApe.lha        demo/intro  85K+Beape 4k intro - CAFe02 winner with sour
mhm-BeApe_Rele.lha   demo/intro  85K+Beape 4k intro - CAFe02 winner with sour
ASM-One.lha          dev/asm    295K+68k & PPC Assembler Development Environm
clockita.lha         dev/basic   85K+Italian clock+alarm+source code (bugfix)
MBPrefs.lha          dev/basic   24K+External Preferences Editor for MaxonBas
RenderDevBas.lha     dev/basic   12K+Using Render library from HBasic
Mods-JMH.lha         dev/e       11K+Some useful E Modules
mkisofs-2.0bin.lha   dev/gg     326K+Mkisoft v2.0 - CD image builder for Amig
php-4.2.3-bin.lha    dev/gg     618K+PHP 4.2.3 - AmigaOS 68k binary
rinetd-0.61.lha      dev/gg      83K+Rinetd v0.61 - TCP port redirector daemo
sox-12.17.3bin.lha   dev/gg     317K+SOX v12.17.3 sound converter for AmigaOS
sox-12.17.3src.lha   dev/gg     525K+SOX v12.17.3 sound converter for AmigaOS
Flexy.lha            dev/misc   102K+FLEXY 1.3  A very user-friendly GUI for 
MySqld-v3-upd.lha    dev/misc   621K+MySQL v3.23.51 update (68040 exe only)
MySqld-v3.lha        dev/misc   2.5M+MySQL v3.23.48 database (complete)
MySqld-v4.lha        dev/misc   4.9M+MySQL v4.0.4 database (complete)
MCC_BWin.lha         dev/mui     62K+MUI public borderless window class
MCC_SpeedBar.lha     dev/mui    205K+Highly configurable toolbar class
MCC_Urltext.lha      dev/mui     32K+MUI public custom url class
GL_BMP_Load.lha      dev/src    226K+OpenGL BMP texture loader routines
TimedSerial.lha      dev/src     25K+Serial I/O functions that time-out. Sour
BackupRexx.lha       disk/bakup  24K+Backup.rexx uses MirrorCopy to backup ha
EasyACDDA.lha        disk/cdrom 409K+Play&Save CD tracks with Gui - EasyACDDA
fdisk.lha            disk/misc  126K+PC partition table editor for Amiga
LutherBibel.lha      docs/etext 1.4M+The bible (German) by Martin Luther
Monedas.lha          docs/hyper  10K+Numismatica guide of spanish history coi
Poczet.lha           docs/hyper 161K+Guide ***POLISH ONLY*** about polish mon
SpanienSS.lha        docs/hyper  97K+SpanienSS guide of few history some span
NotizieAmiga.lha     docs/lists 1.4M+Mailing-list NotizieAmiga 12/2002 (Itali
AIOV66.lha           docs/mags  405K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 66 (Dece
nocover106.lha       docs/mags  1.5M+Great german diskmagazine
vchess_dt.lha        game/board  12K+V1.3, German catalog for VChess 4.1
2Decide_Demo.lha     game/demo  232K+A highly customizable 2D strategy game.
Filepoke.lha         game/patch  48K+Filepoke V3.1 cheat your games
Gomoko-Ninuki.lha    game/think  21K+Reflexion game
MenoBoxXmas.lha      game/wb    629K+3D-platformer in OpenGL-window V1.0 (68k
W3DInformer.lha      gfx/board   10K+Show supported efects in W3D driver(s)
Gif2anim.lha         gfx/conv   151K+Converts & scales GIF animations to amig
ImageConvert.lha     gfx/conv    29K+ImageConvert 1.10, batch converting with
swfplayer.lha        gfx/show   306K+Standalone player for Amiga (v1.2d2) 68k
3c589.lha            hard/drivr  53K+Driver for 3Com PCMCIA network cards
newkernel.lha        hard/drivr 1.0M+GNU/GPL updated kernel for AMIthlon
WinSP.lha            hard/drivr   4K+New driver for Window's spanish keyboard
TestGear-Extra.lha   hard/hack  140K+A600, A1000, A500(+), A1200 & PC extras.
TestGear-Notes.lha   hard/hack  749K+Test equipment projects, general notes.
amitrs80.lha         misc/emu   312K+TANDY TRS-80 Model 1 Emulator V1.0
Wintec.lha           misc/emu     3K+Wintec keyboard config for UAE
imdbDiff021220.lha   misc/imdb   15M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
imdbDiff021227.lha   misc/imdb  827K+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
AmiBiorythme.lha     misc/misc   63K+MUI Biorythm tool. French only. v1.1
amoon.lha            misc/sci    99K+Map of the Moon
Darius+.lha          mods/misc  114K+Custom module from "Darius +"
Foundation1.mpg      mods/mpg    10M+First part of a three part suite
Foundation2.mpg      mods/mpg   5.0M+Second part of a three part suite
Foundation3.mpg      mods/mpg    11M+Third part of a three part suite
Oriental_sun.mpg     mods/mpg   6.3M+Oriental song by Pero-Fotar 
Prelude3.mpg         mods/mpg   1.6M+Prelude3. MPEG of old tape of me on keys
rno-r082.mpg         mods/mpg   6.8M+Rno-records release #82 by Roz(Tekno)
TheSpell.mpg         mods/mpg   3.3M+The Spell MPEG of old tape of me on keys
AmySequencer.lha     mus/edit   224K+MIDI sequencer for the AMIGA
abcm2ps.lha          mus/misc   294K+Convert music tunes from ABC format to P
EP_StevBarrett.lha   mus/play     8K+EaglePlayer "Steve Barrett" external rep
EP_WallyBeben.lha    mus/play     7K+EaglePlayer "Wally Beben" external repla
mhm-mAYhem.lha       mus/play   148K+MAYhem pak II for DT2 (AY/YM chip emulat
mhm-mAYhem_del.lha   mus/play   148K+MAYhem pak II for DT2 (AY/YM chip emulat
PlasmaPlugin.lha     mus/play    24K+Plasma-Spectrum Plugin for AmigaAMP Powe
AllBlue.png          pix/back   399K+An nice WB background [by cYbo]
nICkONs.win98.lha    pix/gicon  110K+Glowicon`s from Win98 4 your AmigaOS
anl-strip_7.lha      pix/misc    58K+[ancor] a normal life
explosion.lha        pix/misc   368K+[ancor] a picture with an explotion done
nwo-strip_10.lha     pix/misc    45K+[ancor] now way out
sgf-strip_1.lha      pix/misc    53K+[ancor] StarGround flashback
sgf-strip_2.lha      pix/misc    47K+[ancor] StarGround flashback
vd-ami2k1_eng.mpg    pix/mpg     11M+<VD> show report "Amiga 2001", medium, E
AmiReplace.lha       text/edit   60K+MUI text replace tool. French but easy. 
JanoEditor.lha       text/edit  290K+Simple and efficient text editor v1.01d
MyNotes.lha          text/edit   31K+A simple MUI based QuickNote clone
BibVision.lha        text/show   97K+Bible text viewer for 68k/WarpOS. V1.4
CheckX.lha           util/arc    39K+V1.92 Check for Archive/Packer/Virus
P96EmulUpd.lha       util/boot    5K+Hacks version information in the CGX (V3
DepthMenu.lha        util/cdity  54K+Popup menu for depth gadgets. V2.41.
dir2html_trans.lha   util/dir    16K+Translations for Dir2HTML
ExtraLib.lha         util/libs  241K+Dynamic buffers, filesystem CRCs, colorf
pccard.lha           util/libs   51K+Library to parse PC Card information
EasyInterest.lha     util/misc   25K+Compound interest calculator
VClock_v1.7b.lha     util/time  331K+Real Speech Clock - Bug Fix
VirusZ.lha           util/virus  85K+VirusZ III 0.9d - Antivirus Software
RandomWBPatt.lha     util/wb     29K+Timer controled Slideshow-like random WB
ScalosPlugAP96.lha   util/wb     12K+Avail Picasso96 plugin for Scalos
VolumeMeter.lha      util/wb     34K+Transparent graphical hard drive usage m

[News message: 06. Jan. 2003, 09:35] [Comments: 0]
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