Blackbirds Nest
Retrogame: Missile Command
Today the website of Blackbird celebrates its third birthday. Because of that Blackbird
makes the readers a present with the retrogame 'Missile Command'.
Compared with the original version (made by Michael Rosskopf) Blackbird has added
three different levels of difficulty, a title screen, a screenmode requester and many
minor improvements. For instance it is now always possible to quit the game by pushing
the ESC-key.
The game runs starting from a 30er processor with 2-4 MB FastRAM and graphic card.
Besides this it is UAE-compatible. Under UAE you simply have to choose UAEGFX 640x480x8bit.
Download: MC.lzx
(ps) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 03. Jan. 2003, 20:44] [Comments: 2 - 28. Jun. 2003, 15:21]
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