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Wired: Vaporware 2002: Tech up in Smoke?
Amiga Inc. is placed nineth of the top 10 (or better spoken bottom 10) of the Vaporlist which is selected by the readers of Wired. Vaporware are here products which have been braggingly announced but until today have been not deliverd.

It follows an extract of the full list of the winners of the Vaporware award:
  1. Duke Nukem Forever
  2. Mac and Linux clients for Neverwinter Nights
  3. Team Fortress 2: Brotherhood of Arms
  4. Oqo's Ultra-Personal Computer
  5. Infogrames' Master of Orion 3
  6. NVidia's GeForce FX graphics card
  7. QuarkXPress for Macintosh OS X
  8. Ubi Soft's Shadowbane
  9. The new Amiga
  10. Silicon Film's Electronic Film System
You can find the full Wired article under the title link. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 03. Jan. 2003, 01:15] [Comments: 0]
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