Webseite von Stiftung Warentest
Foundation Stock Review: What's Changed Since 1st January, 2003 (w. Update)
In a thorough article Foundation Stock Review summarizes what has changed since the 1st of January this year. Starting with
altered highway signs, progressing to the changeover from 0190 to 0900 telephone area codes, and including all the important and interesting
Update of 2nd January, 2003:
In the same vein as the new 0900 phone service numbers is the following interesting Golem article:
Telecommunications: New Charges for 2003.
Here is an excerpt: 0900 numbers change to the prefix of 0190 after January, 2003. After
the regulatory officials partially approved the new telecommunications charges, they come into effect on the 1st of February, 2003.
Along with that come reductions in urban and German charges, and increases in the monthly base fee for analog T-Net connections.
Immediately after January the phone service will raise the setup charge for T-DSL. (ps) (Translation: dm)
[News message: 02. Jan. 2003, 01:26] [Comments: 0]
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