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Game: Payback for GBA - Status Report #3
28th December 2002: James Daniels of Apex Designs has published the third status report on the GBA port of the game 'Payback'.

The game's frame rate has been increased through optimisations. 15 frames/s were targetted (matches V-Rally 3's frame rate) and 16 frames/s achieved, whereby the optimisations for transparency effects haven't yet been added, so an additional speed increase should be possible.

The other emphasis was on the HUD (Head up display) for showing the score, the map, the weapons display and the mission briefs. Instead of using the existing software routines, James Daniels had decided to use the GBA's hardware sprites. Though this is quite expensive, it brought with it a performance gain of some 10% compared to the pure software solution.

Additionally bugs have been fixed, so the game is now fully playable in most levels.

The emphasis for the next months lies on the audio mixer, the sound effects and the music. Furthermore there might be a chance to start work on the multi player mode.

The full report is accessible through the title link. It also contains new screenshots and a short video in MPEG format. (sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 29. Dec. 2002, 11:50] [Comments: 0]
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