Virus Help Denmark: VirusZ III 0.9d
Already on December 24, 2002 Georg Hörmann published version 0.9d of the antivirus software called
'VirusZ III'. The following things have changed compared to version 0.9c:
- Fixed bug in the new snapshot function added in 0.9c, sorry!
- Added new snapshots sent by AmiS, Dario, Alexander Niven-Jenkins,
Rudolph Riedel, Chris Elliott, T.B., Gunnar Andersson and Andreas
Kürzinger. Thanks guys!
- Improved the code that checks if a given address is within valid
memory ranges. Thanks to AmiS for beta-testing.
- Added additional self-test that permanently checks VirusZ's code
for modifications.
- Finally added device-based sectorcheck! Please read the docs for
further information.
VirusZ runs on AmigaOS 2.04 and higher und requires:
- util/libs/ReqToolsUsr.lha
- util/virus/xvslibrary.lha
- util/pack/xfdmaster.lha
- util/arc/xadmaster.lha (recommended)
- util/libs/DisLib.lha (optional)
Download: VirusZ.lha (87 058 Bytes),
(sd) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 27. Dec. 2002, 19:27] [Comments: 0]
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