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Guido Mersmann (ANF)

TV Card Software: AmithlonTV Beta 200
There's a new beta version (200) of AmithlonTV available for download from the AmithlonTV homepage.

AmithlonTV is a really, genuinely modularly built driver system for PCI TV cards. Only the necessary components and resources are loaded. New cards unknown to AmithlonTV will be automatically detected and may be configured by the user. In order to do this the components of the card are detected in a setup program.

The advantage of such a system is that a new driver for any specific component will function on any TV card that has the component. Special modifications by me are generally unnecessary. We won't be involving ourselves with a bunch of supported cards that haven't been tested. AmithlonTV will run on practically any card. When certain components haven't been added they just haven't been added, but the rest of the card works.

A further advantage of AmithlonTV is that multiple cards are supported. Two, three, or more are possible. This is easily managed and may be used in a security system. It is all the same if one wants a picture from each, or a channel list to switch between cards.

The entire system is built so modularly that USB and Firewire may be possible. At this time there is support for the powerpci.library (Amithlon). The openpci.library support is currently implemented and functioning but is not yet officially available.

What's new:

As is already known through other channels, Amithlon TV has a VHI_Studio driver. Your computer will become a multimedia center, especially with the new accelerated functions of VHI Studio version 6.0.

The channel seeker has also been greatly accelerated. In contrast to other options (such as Windows software) there is a real channel seeker here that doesn't just check for channels, but also VCRs and satellite receivers that are found between channels.

There are other small improvements in the works.

Especially noteworthy are the new audio drivers. All MSP cards should work with these.

The new Hauppauge drivers achieve an automatic configuration, whereby the copying of special configuration data occurs.

You'll find a lot more information by clicking on the title link!

Guido Mersmann
Author of:
AmithlonTV, AView, AFind, BoulderDaesh, GuideCheck, GuideFormat, Execute64, SiedlerBoot, R(equest), DVBControl, MCControl, Simplecat, AvailCPU, VBRControl, TrackDisplayClock, SnoopRouter, Meridian, MMKeyboard, ParKeyboard, WheelMouseSupport, ... (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 05. Dec. 2002, 20:53] [Comments: 0]
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