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Olaf Köbnik (E-Mail)

ARC 2002 News: Fun Time World / Amiga Arena presentation
Fun Time World / Amiga Arena setting "AMIGA + Retro Computing 2002" on fire!

The following products and news will be at the stand of Fun Time World at the "AMIGA + Retro Computing 2002" in Aachen:

  • "Aqua" German Version:
    It's a "Myst" like adventure game. You are looking for treasures of a sunk drilling platform. The Atlantic Ocean is waiting for you!

  • NEW Re-release "PuzzleBOBS"
    "PuzzleBOBS" is a "bust a move" clone, which stands out from other puzzle games of this kind with it's many features and game modes
    "PuzzleBOBS" is sold in a DVD package with all recent updates and a new set of levels. "PuzzleBOBS" is now optimized for MorphOS also!

  • NEW "Amiga Arena - Games Edition 2002"
    As a thank you and tribute to all developers and users, who supported me recently, there will be at the "AMIGA + Retro Computing 2002" the "Amiga Arena - Games Edition 2002" be presented for the first time.
    With more than 50 games from the commercial and shareware section there are the genres action, adventure, board/mind, manager, platform and strategie and number of classics, the offer is rounded up with several sceenshots, solutions and cheats.
    The following games (extract) are by appointment with their developers on that CD:

    • Acid Software (Roadkill, Seak&Destroy, Kiros Quest, Woodys World and more)
    • Applaud Software (Blockehaed I/II, Mobile Warfare and more)
    • Austex Software (Uropa2 CD version)
    • Blue Lemon Studio (Beambender exclusively)
    • Black Legend (Embryo, Wheelspin, Fussball Total, Der Seelenturm, Der Trainer, Fatman and more)
    • Mellon Design (Jimmys Fantasic J.)
    • Revolution Soft (Lure of the Temptress, Beneath a Steel Sky CD32 Version with spoken language output)
    • Sayonara Soft (Hollywood Manager, Flamigo Tours, Samba Partie Series, Samba Partie Worldcup - CD version/spoken language output and more)
    • Scorpius Soft (Burnout, Blade und Hilt II German version exclusively and more)

    • Roketz, Sharks, BallMaster, Boulderdäsh, Doktor, HBMonopoly, myLocomotion, Mahjongg, Tiles, Imperium Terranum II and more.

    • Shareware "WHDload" installer special offer!

    All games are available in German and English language. The CD is published in a DVD package and will be available firstly at the show.

  • Distribution & sale:
    Fun Time World c/o Sebastian Brylka - E-Mail - WWW

  • Live on stage!!
    The game "Aqua" and a "PuzzleBOBS" contest will possibly be shown and held at the stand! The Amiga Arena will be host at the stand of Fun Time World on Saturday.
(ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 04. Dec. 2002, 22:47] [Comments: 0]
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