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Amiga + Retro Computing 2002

ARC 2002 News: Thendic France biggest exhibitor
Thendic France has increased their exhibition area, making themselves the biggest exhibitor of AMIGA + RETRO COMPUTING 2002. The reason for this extension is the amount of computers that they are presenting. Visitors of the show have the opportunity to persuade themselves of the combination of the new PPC board and MorphOS.

The same amount of computers will be provided for the betatester-conference that will take place on the same weekend in room "Berlin 1" of the Dorint-Hotel "Quellenhof", which is located right next to the Eurogress. Thendic France has finalized the booking of this room during a meeting that took place in Aachen on November 21st.

The new company Genesi that unites Thendic France and bplan Germany will be present with all personnel at the show. More than 20 developers of hard- and software will answer your questions. Read more about the technical data of Pegasos, that has been provided by Thendic France.

In addition to the new machines, Thendic will also bring part of their museum to Aachen. Rare machines like the Walker (Amiga successor that has never been produced) and 8-bit Commodore machines will be on display at a separate booth. All the machines are still intact, so you can experience them in action!

There will be the following persons on the show:
From bplan: Gerald Carda, Thomas Knäbel, Ralph Schmidt and Emmanuel Lesueur.
From Thendic-France: Nicolas Sallin, David Gerber, Mark Olsen, Rakesh and Sharwin Raghoebardayal, Nicholas Blachford, Bertrand Presles, Eric Bertail, Céline Waldberg, Pascal Roe D'Albert, Sébastien Lokhamkhouak, Matthieu Leroyer and of course Raquel Velasco and Bill Buck.
Plus, there will be other core MorphOS Developers and a number of Betatesters. (ps)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2002, 14:40] [Comments: 0]
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