Andreas Magerl (ANF)
APC&TCP Hawk CD-Edition of DigiBoosterPro
On the occasion of Amiga + Retro Computing 2002 on December 7th and 8th APC&TCP are releasing the CD edition of DigiBoosterPro. This
edition contains v. 2.21 of DigiBoosterPro as well as completely new documentation. Because a very good programmer has been located,
there will be a program update soon. An update of the APC&TCP disk version to the CD edition costs 5 euros in Germany and 10 euros
anywhere else (inc. shipping and handling).
We ask that improvement suggestions, opinions, and requests concerning the program be written to us directly in our
support forum.
Unfortunately it is not possible for us to come to all the forums and news sites to collect the wishes of the users. (ps) (Translation: dm)
[News message: 21. Nov. 2002, 10:31] [Comments: 0]
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