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Faces of Mars (ANF)

Classic Radio Shows on CD-ROM
The Radio Plays CD-ROMs contain original radio shows from the USA and Great Britain. The programs are from the 30s to the 70s and have been specially, digitally prepared and converted to MP3 format for inclusion on these CD-ROMs. They may thereby played on all computer platforms (Amiga, Linux, Mac, Windows, modern CD-Players, etc) and an autoplayer for Windows is included. The Radio Plays represent the genres Adventure, Science Fiction, Mystery, Western and Mixed. Each CD has about 35 to 48 hours of programs.

The catalog contains among other things Tarzan, Superman, Buck Rogers, Dr. Who, Lord of the Rings, The Shadow, Sherlock Holmes and The Lone Ranger.

Dealers may order lots of 10 CDs from our dealer price list. With the order of 51 CDs or more there is an additional rebate of 10 percent. With the order of 100 the shipping and handling charges are eliminated.

Shipping and handling costs are 12 euros for the first 10 CDs, with more than 10 CDs, there is a 1 euro additional charge for each. These CDs come directly from the USA. Prices per CD are about 12 to 14 euros. You'll find more information by clicking on the title link. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 31. Oct. 2002, 17:52] [Comments: 0]
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