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SixK Ports: UAE 0.8.14 and Pachi_Demo 0.1

SixK's website is now at You'll find two new reworked ports there:
  • 2002-09-25 22:49 - UAE 0.8.14 with CD32 joypad support: SixK has modified UAE 0.8.14 to use lowlevel.library. You will now be able to play UAE with a CD 32 pad and maybe in a near future with a PC Joypad connected to your sound blaster card... Download: uae_0.8.14.lzx

  • 2002-09-25 00:13 - SDL Games: pachi_demo 0.1 available for 68k. You will find Pachi_Demo 0.1 jump&run game inspired from games like jetset willy. Run fine on Amithlon, too slow on 040. Download: pachi_demo.0.1.lzx.

(ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 26. Sep. 2002, 17:57] [Comments: 0]
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